Wednesday, February 20, 2013

nothing to be caption

judgmental is when people giving their own  NEGATIVE Perspective
orang orang malaysia, are often judgmental-ING .
why? adat kita ka? or memang our mentality love to judge others?
GOD doesnt create us with a pair of eyes and 5 star brain to judge others.

"Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all of my friends here"
"bapak hang lahir kat Karai kot,bukan London. tolonglaa~"
salahkah apabila seseorang itu bertutur di dalam bahasa inggeris? it doesn't seem wrong to me. especially malays like to condemning  others when they speak english. why? nenek moyang tak kasi kah? aneh. sungguh aneh. ample of benefits of english. AMPLE.

1. university 
    cita-cita tinggi nak sambung study dekat overseas. tell me where will you find overseas' university with BAHASA MALAYSIA as their communication medium? are the lecturers are going to taught in BAHASA MALAYSIA in Ireland? tell me? 

2. interview
        nak p mana mana interview as a doctor, architect, pilot even a receptionist, you will speak in ENGLISH. unless interview untuk kedai mamak lah.

3. and many more

 lagipula memahami bahasa english membolehkan kita melayari laman sesawang lebih mudah-mathluthfi

"eh he's gay! why is he wearing a PINK bag? YUCKs"
where is the prove? how could you know that the pink-bag-guy is gay? by his PINK's bag? GTH
are the pink is specially for girls and gays? you're mom taught you? then who? where's the idea come from? 
enough with DISCRIMINATING. why would you discriminate with colors?   is there written somewhere in Quran that blue is for boys, pink is for girls? black is for boys, white is for girls?
 where's the hell did that lunatic idea came from? your butt? then shut it down! sorry to say this, but holy shit seriously these people are small minded. 
open your mind and think widely. think internationally.
 how long did you stay in the cave? is it before 10000b.c? 
girls and boys nowadays wear blue and pink. even my late grandpa has a pink baju melayu. 
so why are these judgmental creepy backward people  keep discriminate with colors?  

p/s; let the judging job done by The God only, not us, the small little ungrateful organism


Monday, July 16, 2012

                                         baiklah. hai kome. aku baru balik dari sebuah journey 
 yg memenatkan tetapi kadang kala menyeronokkan:D


                                      *fyi, im not the one who hold the camera most of the time.
                                       yang selalu pegang adlah kawan aku, Wan Syakirin. Jadi,
                                              banyak gambar orang tidur dalam kamera ni-.-

                                on the way pergi, jam 5.00am. aku bngun jam EMPAT PAGI wehh.
                                                                   tak sangka aku.

ini adalah cikgu kami,
 PAKSU nama diberi
suka buat lawak tak berhenti,
 kadang kadang lawak dia tak menjadi.

*alamak-.- pantun lah wehh. hok aloh. sorry PAKSU
dlm pada itu, ini kami di PADANG BESAR, dtg lah. barang murah
murah punyaaaa.

this picture were taken at KUALA PERLIS, 
annoyingly beautiful.  

ini pula di Taman Ular. Gambar this proven yg Hannan Malek adalah seorang yg pemalas:D
kami semua busy tawaf all around Taman Ular. No wonder Hannan tak ada 
sebelah aku-.-"

ini dalam Taman Ular. 
monyet paling best.
ular tak.

aku tiada karana sibuk merakam si Faeedz mengacara.

ini cikgu kami. mungkin dia jumpa ulat dlm laici. tak pun sabun dlm air-..-

kaybai. opah aku kirim salam
alamak lupa cakap,
ini adalah


Saturday, March 3, 2012

untitled I

Something to write,
Not even about me.

Can you find satisfaction?
Can you find a happiness?
Can you fell the power?
Can you tell me what are doing to that poor human?
You are 'raping' their's DIGNITY.

Is it a fun game?
Enjoyable moment?
To kill them softly, mentally.
They dead. im sorry.
You've kill them.

Dont you know why are you created with 'brain'?
yah, you don't even have a brain to think what it is use for.
They are mentally affected.
Thank YOU.

Now they don't even dare to go out public.
Their confidence level, poor them.
It's extremely decreasing.
again, thank YOU.

If you think they will go out from house once, playing,
you are damn wrong.
absolutely damn wrong.

piece of advice.
go, just go.

p/s; writing this for the bullies, cyber or what so ever. just type something that pop on my mind, is it so wrong?